♥ Friday, July 03, 2009
ok... this post is abit late.. went out wif my friend on tue.. friend got a HTC diamond 2.. aft tat wanted watch movie so went bugis.. but they wan watch drag me 2 hell i dowan!! scary sia... anyways in the end no nice shows available so went try our luck at AMK hub but also same no nice show.. then go play arcade awhile.. dunno when was the last time i went in lolx..
then dinner! this is the fun part (n the onli part where i took pic lolx) went new york eat then we thinking wat 2 order n sumhow i gave them the idea of getting the gigantic burger... n yeah tat was 3 person dinner.. plus 3 big glasses of float hahaz.. pics coming up..
The float size.. huge as always hahaz
yeah.. burger size:HP size... now TATS big hahaz
1/4 burger:my friend face.. dunno hpw we eat also..
done! wif the HP still there hahaz
Blogged @ 4:33 PM
♥ Thursday, July 02, 2009
omg.. i c thick thick layer of dust.. AHH CHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! ok.. VERY thick..
Blogged @ 2:55 AM